Pre Post of Thanksgiving Week Harvest

By November 23, 2013 Uncategorized No Comments


Yes, to anyone who was wondering or has emailed us.. asking if the crew here at MSF was going to bug out and leave everyone hanging for the Thanksgiving Week holiday… we are harvesting and delivering same as usual.
The Christmas Week deliveries, will be shifted slightly one day forward and back, but not Thanksgiving Week’s.


Ok, with the caveat that sometimes our best laid plans don’t pan out, which is why I don’t pre-post regularly…..but this is such an important week I think I will blog our harvest hopes and intentions for Thanksgiving Week:

1. Baby spinach

2. Spring Mix

3. Yams

4. Spaghetti Squash

5. Heirloom tomatoes, dead ripe

6. Collards: two bunches in large, one in small
7. Celery: two bunches in large, one in small
8. Frisee (a spicy chicory that can be used sparingly in raw salads, or braised)
9. Limes
10. Fuerte avos (first harvest of the 9 to 10 month harvest….these will not be ripe for Thanksgiving day as we’re harvesting today and tomorrow mostly.)
11. Sprouts (radish and/or brassica mix and a trial of an aromatic Ancient Eastern Blend.)



1. Rosemary sprigs

2. Pineapple guavas…coming up on the end of guavas

3. Navel oranges

4. crunchy bean mix probably for large shares.


Trade in boxes (where there are six or more participants picking addition to more of what we put in boxes, we have small quantities of:
2. Swiss Chard
3. Green Onions
4. Maybe rhubarb, first harvest ever
5. Jalapenos
6. Baby Arugula, clam shelled
7. Radishes
8. Clam Shells of cherry tomatoes
9. mandarins very first of harvest (maybe)


What’s coming up soon:

We are moving into our macadamia harvest!!!, avocado season, and it looks like we will be harvesting mandarins in a couple weeks for all.



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