April 4, 2011 - Morning Song Farm

Lime Yogurt Muffins

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1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
¾ cup sugar
1 tablespoon grated lime peel
1 teaspoon baking powder
¾ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup lime or plain yogurt
6 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/3 cup lime juice
¼ cup sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel

In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients. In another bowl, beat the egg, yogurt, butter and lime juice. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fill greased muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake at 400 degrees F for 20-24 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes; leave muffins in pan. Using a toothpick, poke 6-8 holes in each muffin. In a saucepan, combine the topping ingredients. Cook and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Spoon over warm muffins.

Farm Day at Morning Song Farm

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Mark your calendars! Saturdays, April 16, April 30 and May 14 are member farm days, from 9 to noon. Bring a picnic lunch, meet our friendly llamas, pet the baby chicks (maybe bottle feed a new baby goat?), and come see where your food is grown! Rain cancels. Our goats love, love love Nature Valley’s crunchy granola bars’ Oats ‘N Honey. Bring a few, if you like, and enjoy their enthusiasm. We’ll include directions, in next week’s newsletter. Morning Song is in Rainbow, which is just south of Temecula, and north of Fallbrook.

What's Up With the Nigerian Goats

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Mary isn’t back on the farm yet, I can’t wait to have her here so the four mama goats can get used to each other before we have baby goats to tend to. Whiskers on Kittens (Whisk) has become the herd leader and insists on ridiculous royal privileges. The social injustice is a little disconcerting to witness, but according to several goat books I’ve purchased,(Raising Goats for Idiots, etc.), evidently this always happens when there’s more than one goat. Goats are herd animals and don’t like to be solitary; some writers even consider keeping a single goat as abuse. Whisk has mellowed out a little as the others no longer question her position, but from my standpoint, her behavior can seem appalling. She gets the best place to sleep, the first munch of any treat, and the lead position on any walk. She’s also, (ugggg) decided all farm roads are hers and will not get up from a center-of-the driveway sun bask even for my big, red, farm truck. Honking is futile and completely ignored. I’m forced, a couple times daily, to park on the steep incline leading to my farm office, jam on the emergency parking brakes, get out, and shoo her out of the way, then race back to the wheel before she resolutely returns. My little dairy herd traipses after me wherever I go on the farm, with Whisk leading the way. They used to chase me down the driveway even when I was in my truck, but soon discovered that I couldn’t be caught and gave up. Now they just follow me when I’m on foot. The llamas were offended at first, but now llamas and goats are getting along, albeit suspiciously.

March 30-31 2011 What's Up

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Below you’ll find this week’s harvest ticket, and information about upcoming Spring farm days. We’ve schedculed three in the hopes that everyone will at least get to squeeze ONE into their busy schedules. All subscribers, their family, kids and friends are invited, April 16, 30th, and May 14th from 9:00-12:00. Bring a picnic lunch and relax under the oaks! By the end of April, we should have baby goats. We’re hoping to schedule the annual llama shearing on one of the dates (we’ll keep you informed). And the baby chicks are so cute! Of course the mama goats are sweet and enjoy all the attention they can get. Especially attention that involves crunchy granola bars. 🙂

Harvest ticket for this week:

(Large share/Small share)

Hass Avos: 2/1

Navel Oranges: 10/Half

Ripe Limes: 9/Half

Leeks one bunch/None

Radish bunch: 1/Same

Bok Chi: One bunch/Same

Strawberries: One bag/Same

Beets: One bunch/same

Carrots: 2 bunches/half

Lettuce: 2 loose heads/half

Brocolli: 2 bunches/half

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