Well, it’s absolutely sweltering out here and it’s been a rough day. What is it about the heat that makes everything mechanical or computer-related not work out here? I so would love to heave this computer into the ravine. Just sharing. If someone knows of a way to get a single PDF file onto blogger here without having to convert to GIF which breaks the file up into pieces (6 today), that would be awesome. It takes a long time, revisions are out of the question because of how long it takes to post, and positioning seems to be random. I just have to play with it forever to get the pages to end up sequential. Surely there is a remedy?
We got a remark about our peaches being mushy, and sure enough, they’re firm and great when we put them on the truck, but don’t hold up through the day’s deliveries in this heat…so we’re taking them off the ticket for tomorrow. Carl will be thrilled because peaches are among his favorite, no matter what their condition, and the other goats haven’t learned how to spit out the seed like he can, so he does enjoy showing his skills off.
Louie came back today with almost no returned boxes, so I need to ask everyone again…that our prices are based on the returned cartons for our reuse. Also, we are proud of keeping our landfill footprint to a minimum by recycling the boxes. So, if you are crazy busy and can’t remember to bring the box back, I get it, but please bring grocery bags to transfer your produce into, and leave the box behind altogether. I know there are a very few that ARE returning boxes, and we thank you…but the majority aren’t anymore. Please return our boxes!
PepsiCo, a significant donor who helped defeat California’s anti GMO proposition…has been found to have mislead their natural, healthy eating consumers in regards to their Naked Juice Product. Here’s another reason why I think, although it’s a big hassle, it’s smarter to make your own juice products in your own kitchen from produce that is certified organic, or Certified Natural. As a result of the class action settlement, you can file up to a $45 dollar claim without receipts at this website: www.nakedJuiceClass.com. (And who keeps years of juice receipts?)
Here’s what the Organic Consumers Association says about this:
“According to plaintiffs, Naked Juice used soy ingredients that are genetically engineered “by design or by contamination.” (Naked Juice intentionally used misleading language to give consumers “the false impression that the beverage’s vitamin content is due to the nutritious fruits and juices, rather than added synthetic compounds.” And the PepsiCo subsidiary contained a laundry list of synthetic chemicals, including calcium pantothenate (synthetically produced from formaldehyde).”
I use the Vitamix for most of my juicing needs unless I want to strain out the pulp, in which case I use a cheap Walmart juicer I got for $40 bucks or so. Juicing is hassle. But here’s the thing: being unhealthy is a hassle, too. I don’t always have time to cook, but juicing is fast and fairly straight forward. The cleanup usually takes longer than actually juicing.
A quick and fun way to brighten up a brown rice dish. I tossed the whole clamshell of cherry tomatoes in the Cuisinart and pulsed the minimum seconds I could without ending up with big chunks. I added sea salt to taste and then crushed 3 cloves of garlic in a separate mixing bowl and stirred everything together. I then did the same pulsing thing with half a medium white onion and a single jalapeno, and added that to the mixing bowl contents, stirred and put in a jar to photograph.
I choose brown rice because white rice has it’s nutritional value removed in the process of becoming white, and then by law vitamin additives are usually added back. Yuck. I use a basic table top rice cooker, and then I blended the tomato marinade into the hot rice just before serving. Enjoy!